Academented Christmas, day the sixteenth – snacks

Academented Christmas, day the sixteenth – snacks

The relationship between postgraduate students and free food can be compared to that between moths and light, or magpies and glittery things. However, even postgraduate students must grow up and acknowledge that a freegan diet consisting of university catering only is not very good for one’s health. Previously, one way of checking whether a PG was really ill or merely had “man-flu” was to bring up the potential of a free buffet for lunch. This method of checking for illness is now far less reliable, as we eschew “guess-the-filling” sandwiches for homous, pitta bread, and juices. However, the incessant coffee-consumption is still all the rage, and if snacks are readily presented at one’s desk, well, it would be rude not to.

Snacks are for (PhD) life, not just for Christmas.

One of the office members has coined the term “recreational eating”. Yum. Yum.

We are health-conscious folk, but we also love snacks.

Did I mention that omnivores are a dying breed in my office?

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