2021, You’re Up

2021, You’re Up

General consensus from my circles, whether it’s people immediately around me (not necessarily in person, since we are now in English tier 4) or popular persons I follow on various media channels, is that we have had time to learn more about ourselves in 2020. I hope everybody clasps what is good and helpful with them, to bring into the new year.

Things for me to do in 2021:

Go outside more. Even when it’s cold. (With safety precautions, of course.)

Be just that little bit more impulsive, and going with my guts. (I say this as a serial over-thinker of all things.)

Read more books. Listening to books also am option.

Write more? Regardless of if the results are good, coming up with little stories is fun, and a nice brain exercise.

Investigate more games that are playable via video-conference. I know vaccines are a-go, but there’s still time left until we can properly explore the new-new normal.

Create more opportunities and not be afraid to follow them up.

What about you? In any case, a happy and healthy 2021 to you!