Status Quo…

Status Quo…

Seems to be suspiciously glancing at every person with a cough? At least that feels like the place we have reached right now.

A person I know made a jokey suggestion that we should be careful of Chinese people (with regards the Coronavirus) at me, and I regret a little bit not putting them in their place more firmly.

Anyhow. And when we are done discussing the virus, there is Brexit, which will happen in 4.5 hours. What confusing times.

Last week, during Chinese New Year, I called my grandfather and had to explain who I was. This is my first experience of such a thing. He is actually quite alert, and I think the only reason I had to explain is because I am not really on his radar. I am slightly conflicted between which reason is worse, really. Illness and/or old age affecting his memory, or us simply not being close.

In any case, my unchanging wishes for the Chinese New year is for us all to be (as) happy and healthy (as possible).

Food for health.