The Rookie T.A.

The Rookie T.A.

Did you know that the Centre for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine PhD students have a blog? And that it’s full of subject-relevant, generally interesting, and random things (not to mention the little hub of social things for those coming to ICHSTM 2013)? Well now you do. And what do you know, I’ve written a post for them! It’s about my year as a TA. Behold:

“When it was first confirmed that I would be doing a PhD, I had not thought about teaching at all. I had decided that it was something to look into for the second or the third year – when I know a bit more about the subject area and what gaps there are in the current line-up of modules – and did not worry about it so much.

Nine months later, I have mixed feelings about the fact that I will not be undertaking any pedagogic activities next year, due to a fairly extensive fieldwork schedule. (And not because of ineptitude. One hopes.)

Not long after I had been approved by the grant committee, I received an email asking if I would consider a position as teaching assistant on the introductory module of the Chinese Studies bachelor’s degree. I would be helping to plan and run the Study Skills Sessions – supplementary classes in study skills (referencing, writing essays, constructing arguments, critical engagement with literature, and so on) – and marking half of all the assignments. The hours were not that many, and I thought that a bit of extra cash would not come amiss, so I said yes…” Read the rest here!