Observations to Round Out My Month of Birth

Observations to Round Out My Month of Birth

  • Age is a number, but never a limit. Unless you make it so, or want it to be. (E.g. “I’m too old to handle a hostel dorm! I’ll just book a hotel instead…”)
  • That being said, (prospective) undergraduates these days feel so incredibly young. As somebody who worked a UG open day event the other week: enjoy university, little friends!
  • Yes, I know that they are children. The prospective UGs.
  • You are NEVER too old for an ice cream at the beach.
  • Whether you can ever get too old to burn slightly and come away from your trip to the beach with a funny shorts-tan will take some more thought.
  • Naturally, you will also never outgrow the excitement of a sunny day out, at the beach or some other place of your choosing.
  • Especially if you have company that you enjoy.
  • Mind you, even if you are going to the beach, on a sunny day, with nice company, I suspect we were ALL born too old to be stuck in a hot car on the motorway.
  • People of all ages will appreciate a museum, be it for the content, the learning, the incessant analysis and snarking that comes from having researched museums, the cafe, or the fantastic air conditioning.
  • Or all of the above.
  • (Sometimes it is a shame to have ever had a hobby as your job. But this is something that is possible to grow out of, if you wish.)
  • (I hope.)
  • Hobbies themselves are crucial at all ages, so make time for them.
  • Including sleeping.
  • Especially sleeping.
  • On your own, or with others.
  • I firmly believe in making time for the things you like, or find important. And that is final.