January is Good and Cold

January is Good and Cold

The days are getting brighter. It does not get dark until around 1700 hours.

It is also very cold outside these days. Compared to a few of the previous years, however, this means that I am outside for sufficient amounts of time regularly to register both the cold, and that it becomes warmer to go indoors.

The cold has also given me reason to explore and (re)discover skincare items that help me not feel unpleasantly dry. Happily, they work against both the cold outdoors and the heating indoors.

I have not escaped the morning-tiredness that people seem to get extra doses of at this time of year. But this does mean that I get a bonus raise of heart rate on weekdays because I have to run all the way to the bus stop…

These reflections come courtesy of the comeback of my inner reckless optimist. And I am wholeheartedly happy to see her.