#Lockdown, one month in #covid19

#Lockdown, one month in #covid19

Reflections from my “new normal” :

I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of working from home.

This has lead to some Lillian Moller Gilbreth-esque (or so I am told) experiments into exactly what I can fit into my 15-min breaks and 30-min lunch.

E.g. I can wash my hair at lunch without foregoing eating. I can vacuum one floor in 15 minutes. I can go to the bathroom, then fry an egg, then make tea, then eat the egg in 15-mins.

If you don’t know, I currently work in a call-centre environment. It is noticeable that some people don’t want to hang up at the end of calls, they just want to keep chatting to you.

Being Chinese-Swedish-English, I have been taking in information about the virus since it first emerged in China. Don’t ask me if I think any one country’s response is better. 1) there are too many socio-economic and cultural factors at play, and 2) they’ve all be annoying.

I dreamt about buying flour last night. I did get flour in my dream. Is there hope for reality?

Stay safe punks.