Let’s Do Something Different This Month

Let’s Do Something Different This Month

I have borrowed a list of questions to answer. However, I am adding a “conclusion” to each group and giving myself an action task of sorts to do. I will check in on myself next month.

  1. Tre saker jag har skjutit upp (Three things I have postponed/procrastinated):

Dealing with my home insurance. It needs renewing.

Calling a plumber.

Calling a gardener.

Conclusion: I need to take better care of my home. (I am fine with making phone calls, so it is not that.)

2. Tre saker jag längtar efter (Three things which I cannot wait to happen):


Having a signed job contract.

The feeling of accomplishment once I have done the three things I have postponed.

Conclusion: … tbh, I think all I can conclude here is that I would like to relax/have relief.

3. Tre saker jag har lagt märke till (Three things I have noticed):

Plants are greener. This makes me nervous because they are about to grow really fast, which I do not want because of my contentious relationship with my garden. (Not a euphemism.)

Everybody at school seems to be suffering a throw of last-term-itis – things are more hectic than ever, and we all want a rest.

Teaching gives you a sore throat when you have been off [on holiday] but it is possible to get back into it and thus avoid the sore throat.

Conclusion: I think these are all things I better get used to, since they will be happening no matter if I want them to or not. Maybe do more warm-up exercises for my throat on the drive to school in the mornings.

4. Tre saker som gör mig glad (Three things that make me happy):

That the warmer weather seems to make the majority of people happier.

That Great British Sewing Bee is back.

I have just ordered an overlocker.

Conclusion: better weather and hobbies makes yay.

5. Tre saker jag vill rekommendera (Three things I want to recommend):

I used to guilt myself a little when I did not cook regularly. But. When things are hectic, ready meals/takeaways are better than improper meals (= thrown together food that did not really consist of a meal, but did make use of foods I had at home). Try to patch things up so that you get your nutrients though.

Sweating the small things less. This is easier said than done, and I am not always successful at it. But when I am, it does lighten my mental load quite a lot. (I ask myself, “is this something I can do something about right now?” and then “will this matter in 100 years?”)

Eurovision 2022. I listened to all the songs and I think it is going to be a great year.

Conclusion: given that two of the three are about easing your load, and then last is about relaxing… I think I do need a break.

6. Tre saker jag vill göra snart (Three things I want to do soon):

Eat ice cream outdoors.

Go to IKEA.

Wear my warmer-weather teacher fashions.

Conclusion: I will aim to do all of these soon, actually. Achievable mood-enhancers for all!

Eve of December

Eve of December

I like to get my annual reflections out of the way earlier in the year so that December doesn’t feel so final and I can enjoy it more. Thus! Things I have learned this year:

  • As a young person who (comparatively) has more of time and energy than money – the holy trinity of currencies – you have to take care of yourself. Even if your main aim in life is to be good to the people around you, if you’re not healthy, then you can’t help others even if you want to. Put on your own oxygen mask first.
  • Politics is the world’s biggest and most fickle game. I have been reminded of this for the past three years running, but the surprises never stop coming.
  • If you can afford it, sometimes it is worth paying for convenience and/or peace of mind.
  • There are times when the only way to deal with your grievances is to make like a three year-old and scream really loudly. Then nobody can tell you that they didn’t notice.
  • Talk to the people you like more. On the phone, video-chat, in person, etc.
  • Eat more zinc and B vitamins during cold-and-flu season. (Evergreen 1)
  • Wear sunscreen. (Evergreen 2)

Anything to add? Leave a comment!

People I Like and People I Like a Lot Less

People I Like and People I Like a Lot Less

The latter:

  • People who smoke at bus shelters while waiting for the bus in windy weather.
  • People who put out their cigarette just before stepping on the bus.
  • Sexists. Especially on buses.
  • Racists. Especially on buses.
  • People who don’t know how to share the pavement with fellow pedestrians.

The former:

  • People who motivate me to work.
  • People who motivate me to play.
  • People who indulge my egocentricity.
  • People who snack.
  • People who truly know how to give constructive criticism.