Quick Update

Quick Update

Having swapped professions a few times, I know how awkward and frustrating it can feel to be new at something. Especially being new again, after you have been in a senior position previously.

My frustrations and awkwardness continue, but I like to think I am improving on the whole. Or at least I trust the people monitoring my progress to tell me what to work on.

One of my issues is that I sometimes take on/seek out too much feedback. I do self-reflection after every lesson that I teach; I receive feedback from the observing teacher; I try to keep up to date with in-school and external CPD; and I also swap ideas with peers. I have come to accept that this may have the opposite effect to what I am after: I am overwhelmed with information rather than having clear goals. Incidentally, this is what I try to avoid with ym students. I want to give them clear goals, not just to reach for, but to expect to reach (with the help of the whole school system).

So, I have begun organising my feedback accordingly. Hopefully this will help me to improve faster.

On a different note, I hope everybody is as well as they can be, and are taking care.

If you live in the UK, don’t forget to take a meter reading tonight and submit to whoever you are with for gas and/or electricity.