Recording Difficult Times

Recording Difficult Times

Keeping a record of this winter because it has been a difficult one. I will get through it, look back at this, and be happy and proud that I did.

1. I was having a difficult autumn last year and not being satisfied with my performance at work.

2. Before Christmas I broke my shoulder.

3. The broken shoulder impacted my attendance at the usual family gathering for Christmas, mean I couldn’t refill my emotional cup as usual.

4. I was unable to recuperate the cost of the flights.

5. Further back in time, the garden to the house had gotten overrun and was in a jungle state.

6. Return to work after Christmas has been a rocky road, meaning I was even less happy with work things, and feeling like I was floundering.

7. The boiler in my house finally packed in the week after half term, and I have to function for two weeks at work, but also getting a diagnosis and quotes for a solution.

8. Four weeks and four parents evenings. And fitting in my doctors appointments and CPD seminars and things I need to do for the boiler… Has been a lot.

Progress so far?

1 + 6: I have had my targets at work streamlined. It does make things a little bit easier because I know what I am focusing on. I am improving. I have also seen a counsellor, which also helps.

2. I was officially discharged by the fracture consultant last week. The last x-ray looks… Interesting. And my arm is tired all the time from being worked a lot, all of a sudden. Will keep monitoring, and I still get physio for it.

3. Planning a summer trip?

4. Next time, just claim on insurance instead of asking the bank to help dispute.

5. Finally brought in gardeners and the garden is looking much better. A source of brightness in all of this.

7. The house has heat and hot water again. It’s welcome to get warmer outside though.

8. The counsellor has helped by being there.

I am also going to keep sorting through things in my life and only keep what help me as a person.